Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

Benefits of Breast Reduction-When Less is More

Mar 16, 2015 @ 09:18 AM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Breast Reduction Dr Michael Devlin


Over time, naturally large-breasted women are hindered in multiple ways, from the strain on their backs, to the effects of permanent groves on their shoulders from ill fitting bras.


The added effects of poor posture lead to the difficulty in enjoying physical activities like running and working out. It all adds up to make it really tough to participate and be active in the ways you’d like to be.

Enter the life-changing procedure, the breast reduction. While your breasts are an important part of your femininity, Dr. Michael Devlin understands that for some Arkansas women, they can also be a burden. If you have over sized breasts that limit your physical activity and cause you discomfort, here are THREE benefits of having a breast reduction:


Benefit #1: Breast Reductions Have Become Accessible and Affordable

The reason that breast reductions have become so much more affordable in recent years is because the procedure is now often covered by some insurance companies. No longer are large breasts considered a cosmetic issue. Your insurance carrier will require you to meet to meet certain criteria, which is usually based off of your height and weight, as well as other issues like back pain and rashes. During your consultation with Dr. Devlin, he will review your medical history, take measurements of your breasts and if you qualify, write a letter to your insurance company on your behalf recommending surgery.


Benefit #2: Your Life Will Be Changed in a Number of Ways

Breast reduction recovery is not as hard as you may think. You may have some discomfort after surgery which is easily controlled with pain medication.  Most patients come in for their first post-operative visit and report instant relief from their physical problems that made them seek out the surgery in the first place. In study after study breast reduction patients report high satisfaction rates after surgery. After surgery you will find that everyday activities are easier to complete. Added to the endless amount of choices you will have in clothing now that you won’t be buying tops that are one size larger, make breast reduction surgery a popular procedure.


Benefit #3: You’ll Love the Way You Look

Breast reduction surgery involves reshaping the breasts so that they’re smaller. One added benefit is that your breasts will also be perkier with your nipples in a better position.Some large-breasted women feel self-conscious or have a  before surgery. With breast reduction, the fact that clothes fit better, breasts are firmer, and women feel physically better all contribute to a sense of well-being.

The psychological benefits that result from breast reduction surgery are vast and include improved self-esteem, sexual function, and quality of life, in addition to less anxiety and depression.


While your reasons for seeking a breast reduction are individual to your specific needs, one thing is certain, all women deserve to feel happy and comfortable in their bodies. If your breasts are causing you pain either physically or psychologically, contact

Devlin Cosmetic Surgery Today
