Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

Survey Shows Plastic Surgery on Mom’s Mother’s Day Wish List

May 4, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Lesli Devlin,RN, BSN, RNC,IBCLC
Tagged with: Mommy Makeover Tummy Tuck Breast Augmentation Dr Michael Devlin


“In the past more of the women I performed tummy tuck and breast lifts on were in their 50’s. Now I’m seeing young mothers in their 20’s and 30’s coming in for these procedures,” Dr. Devlin says. Who wants to wait years to get their bodies back—when you can have it now!


With Mother’s Day approaching, you may be thinking of asking for (or giving yourself) a gift of plastic surgery.

As a mother, you give so much: your time, your wisdom, countless hours of sleep, sometimes even your career and almost always your social life. You do it all for your children, your husband and your family. In return, you get undeniable joy and fulfillment. But while motherhood is good for your soul, it may be hard on your body. Breast may sag after pregnancy and breastfeeding.  Skin on your stomach may lose its elasticity from being stretched.  Its even a known fact that faces show the signs of parenting as well.  Smile lines are deeper and worry lines are stronger.

Giving Mom cards and flowers are a nice gesture for Mother’s Day, but what mom’s really want for mother’s day is to improve their appearance. A survey conducted by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) showed that 62 percent of mothers said they would consider a “mommy makeover,” which includes procedures such as a tummy tuck, breast augmentation and/or breast lift, if cost were not an issue.

The things a mother does for her family is undeniably beautiful and thoughtful. Shouldn’t she feel just as beautiful as she makes everyone else feel?

The double-whammy of pregnancy plus aging means breasts may lose their shape, skin can be stretched, and fat may be redeposited in different areas. Every mother’s body changes with pregnancy. You may have stubborn areas of fat that are resistant to diet and excerise. This can leave you feeling frustrated and defeated in your efforts to love and care for the most important person of all: yourself.

Whether you’re a Mom, plan to be one someday or are thinking of your own Mom right now, Devlin Cosmetic Surgery can help.

This Mother’s Day, pamper yourself from head to toe. A breast lift or breast augmentation can give back what pregnancy and gravity have taken away, a tummy tuck can repair stretched and separated muscles. Maybe it’s your face that concerns you the most. Perhaps you can start off gradually with Botox for those worry lines.  Maybe you need skin resurfacing for fine lines and wrinkles. Or for those women wanting to turn back the clock a little more: A Facelift or RestoreLift may just be the answer. Give yourself restored confidence and bring back that spring in your step for the summer season. Take some time for yourself and emerge refreshed, renewed and with a restored confidence to face the challenges of family life.


Sometimes, even Mother Nature needs a little helpDr. Devlin is currently offering ½  off breast augmentation with a mommy makeover(breast and tummy tuck combination) through May 31, 2015.

Happy Mother’s Day from Devlin Cosmetic Surgery!
