Devlin Cosmetic Surgery June 2015 Specials
Are frown lines and sagging skin weighing you down? Are you constantly being asked if you are tired? If so, now is the time to take advantage of Devlin Cosmetic Surgery’s June Special.
For a limited time schedule a Facelift or Restore Lift and receive a secondary facial cosmetic surgery procedure ½ off. This could include: a Brow Lift, Upper or Lower Eyelid Lift or even Fat graft.
Facelift Little Rock Arkansas
Facelift is also called ‘rhytidectomy,’ which means ‘wrinkle excision.’ Wrinkles are the result of aging, as well as gravity, sun damage, weight fluctuation and stress. While a facelift can’t stop the aging process, it can produce a more youthful and relaxed appearance.
Candidates for a Face Lift:
- Women and men who have loose skin in the neck and along the jawline (‘jowls’), and deep ‘smile lines’ in the midface.
- While many patients are in their fifties and sixties, older patients may also undergo the procedure as long as they are in good health. Younger patients may also undergo the procedure as needed. Techniques are modified according the individual needs.
RestoreLift Facelift
A RestoreLift, like the traditional Facelift, is a facial rejuvenation procedure that improves the neck, jawline and mid face. The Restore Lift utilizes thepatient's own growth factors to promote healing andrestore a more youthful appearance. A small amount of the patient's blood is drawn and processed to yieldplatelet rich plasma (PRP). The PRP is then injected and applied to areas of the face and neck. This PRP continues to aid in producing healthy collagen for many weeks after surgery. There is less bruising with the Restore Lift which allows for a quicker recovery.
Brow Lift
A Brow Lift or forehead lift is a procedure that raises or improves the shape of the eyebrows, corrects forehead wrinkles, and can reduce sagging skin of the upper eyelids. Individuals seeking a more long-term solution to forehead rejuvenation than Botox® may be especially interested in the benefits of a brow lift.
Candidates for a Brow Lift:
- Men and women who have fullness of the upper eyelid and lower brow; common complaint from patients: looking tired.
- Deep lines and wrinkles between the eyebrows, over the bridge or root of the nose.
- Forehead wrinkles are caused by muscle activity in raising or lowering the eyebrows.
Eyelid Surgery Little Rock Arkansas
Eyelid surgery to remove or extra skin in the upper or lower eyelid is referred to as “blepharoplasty”. Upper eyelid blepharoplasty involves removal of skin and/or fat and is one of the most common cosmetic surgical procedures performed in the United States. Lower Eyelid blepharoplasty is nearly always considered cosmetic and emphasizes removal and/or repositioning of the lower eyelid fat (“bags”).
- Candidates for Eyelid Lift: Both men and women who are bothered by drooping upper lids and puffiness of lower eyelids.
Fat Graft/ Fat Transfer
Facial fat grafting is a procedure that uses a patient`s own fat to rejuvenate certain areas of the face. This fat is taken from a donor site (such as the abdomen) The fat is purified in a centrifuge, placed into small syringes and re-injected into the problem areas of the face creating a more youthful appearance.
Candidates for Fat Transfer:
- Both men and women who have volume loss in under the eyes, cheeks, temples. Fat transfer can also reduce the appearance of fine lines around the lips.
If you have been considering a facial cosmetic surgery, now is the time to schedule a consultation with Dr. Michael Devlin. He will thoroughly listen to your goals and address your individual concerns. Together you and Dr. Devlin will come up with a treatment plan that will be tailored met to fit your need. Contact us today.