Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery

Aug 4, 2017 @ 08:32 AM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Liposuction Brazilian Butt Lift Body Contouring

2017 has officially been noted to be the Year of the Butts….Brazilian Butt Lifts that is. The Brazilian Butt Lift is a fat grafting procedure which uses a person’s own fat from one part of the body and re-injects this fat back it into another area, in the case, the buttocks.  Liposuction is used to remove fat and contour the waist, hips and thighs. The fat that is removed is processed and then re-injected into the buttocks, giving a rounder fuller more voluptuous shape.

If you are bothered by a saggy, flat, unportioned buttock, the Brazilian Butt Lift may be right for you. For best results, let’s talk about how to help yourself after your surgery and during the post-operative period 

Initial Recovery and Resuming Activities

Immediately following the procedure, you can expect to have bruising and swelling in the areas where the fat was removed. You may have mild to moderate pain that is easily controlled by the pain medication given. You should be up and walking the day of surgery to help with constipation and blood clots. You may drain a blood tinged fluid. This is completely normal and should stop within a few days after surgery.

One of the most important recovery tips regarding Brazilian Butt Lift surgery is to not sit directly on your buttocks for a few weeks after your procedure. Patients are also advised to sleep on their stomach or sides, and if you absolutely do have to sit, it is recommended to sit on the back of your thighs. This is very important to achieve long lasting results, as sitting directly on the buttocks can affect blood circulation in the area. The longer patients can follow this one important post-operative instruction, the better chance of more fat survival to your buttocks.

Bruising and discomfort should subside within one to two weeks after surgery. Most patients can resume work and limited sitting after three weeks, and many can start light to moderate exercise after four weeks. Most major swelling will subside after six weeks. The full benefits of the areas that are liposuctioned will not be noticed until 3 months post-operatively.

During the first three weeks it is important to take excellent care of yourself by eating right, not smoking and resisting the urge to sit. This will encourage your body to build a new blood supply to the transplanted cells (fat) for optimal results.

Compression Garment

After the surgery, you will be in a special compression garment. This garment will be tight around the body but more open in the buttocks, since this area does not need to be compressed. You will wear this garment for 10-14 days.


A Brazilian butt lift can improve the patient’s overall shape and curves. By slimming the waist and creating a fuller backside you can see why Brazilians are one our most requested procedures.  Additionally, you can expect results that look and feel natural. This is because only the patient’s fat and tissue are used to achieve the desired results.

If you are interested in the Brazilian Butt Lift, browse through our before and after photo gallery to see how this procedure will transform your body and call Dr. Michael Devlin to schedule your consultation!
