Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

Mini Tummy Tuck Technique

Feb 14, 2019 @ 12:37 PM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Tummy Tuck

Certain areas of the body are known as common trouble spots, but probably none more so than the tummy. Even when a person eats a well-balanced diet and practices a healthy exercise routine, they may find it hard to achieve the flat, toned stomach that so many desire. That is because excess fat and skin tissues tend to gather around the midsection. If a person has lost significant weight, or gone through a pregnancy, loose skin is even more likely to be a problem.

A tummy tuck eliminates excess fat and tissues from the stomach to provide patients with a firmer, flatter abdomen. However, some people hesitate to undergo surgery to address these cosmetic concerns, especially if excess fat and skin are localized to one area of the tummy. Fortunately, a tummy tuck is a completely customizable procedure.

Dr. Michael A. Devlin frequently performs the mini tummy tuck technique to produce a toned abdomen with a less invasive procedure. Contact our Little Rock, AR practice to learn more.

Mini Tummy Tuck Candidates

A mini tummy tuck is similar to a traditional tummy tuck, but it utilizes a smaller incision and, therefore, has more limited applications.

A mini tummy tuck primarily addresses excess skin tissues along the lower belly. Ideal candidates for a mini tummy tuck must be in good overall health and should have a steady weight that is within a healthy weight range.

If imperfections, such as loose skin, excess flab, or stretch marks are limited to the lower abdomen (from the belly button down), mini tummy tuck may be an appropriate treatment.

The Procedure

As with a traditional tummy tuck, the mini tummy tuck technique is performed with the patient under the effects of general anesthesia. This keeps the patient completely comfortable throughout surgery.

Once the patient has been put under general anesthesia, Dr. Devlin will make the surgical incision. A mini tummy tuck generally requires just one short, horizontal incision right above the pubic bone. The location of this incision is the same as that which is used for a full tummy tuck, only it is much smaller.

Through the surgical incision, Dr. Devlin is able to remove excess skin that is causing the stomach to sag. Depending on the patient’s needs, Dr. Devlin may or may not tighten the abdominal muscles before re-draping the skin and closing the incision.

Since less skin tends to be removed during a mini tummy tuck than a traditional tummy tuck, the belly button should not need to be removed and repositioned. Instead, it will likely be left to sit in a slightly lower position along the abdominal wall.


Because a mini tummy tuck is less extensive than a traditional tummy tuck, the recovery timeline tends to be a little bit shorter. Still, patients should expect to take at least one to two weeks off of work.

During this time, they should expect to experience surgical side effects that include discomfort, bruising, swelling, and inflammation. After the initial recovery period, side effects will begin to subside, but it will take an additional four to six weeks before patients can resume more strenuous activities, such as aerobic exercise or heavy lifting.

Patients should also keep in mind that, although their appearance will improve in the weeks following a mini tummy tuck, it can take up to six months for the full results of treatment to be apparent.

Learn More

If you are dissatisfied with your figure due to excess skin around the midsection, you may be an ideal candidate for a customized tummy tuck. To learn more about the traditional and mini tummy tuck techniques, and which may be right for you, contact us at your earliest convenience. You can set up a personal consultation with Dr. Michael A. Devlin by calling (501) 227-8811.