Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

The Extended Tummy Tuck Technique

Apr 13, 2019 @ 10:00 AM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck removes excess skin and tightens the abdominal muscles to produce a smoother and more toned stomach. But for some patients, a standard tummy tuck will not address all of the excess skin affecting the abdomen and flanks. An extended tummy tuck can remove loose skin on the abdomen as well as the lateral flanks for more dramatic and comprehensive results.

Dr. Michael Devlin employs the extended tummy tuck technique at our Little Rock, AR practice, Devlin Cosmetic Surgery. While this procedure does involve a larger incision, Dr. Devlin will place the incision where the scar can be easily hidden by undergarments or bikini bottoms.

Who Is a Good Candidate for an Extended Tummy Tuck?

Candidates for extended tummy tucks typically wish to address one or more issues, such as:

Often, this technique is recommended to patients who have achieved substantial weight loss and wish to refine their figures. Dr. Devlin may also recommend this procedure as part of a mommy makeover for women who wish to enhance their post-pregnancy bodies.

You can find out if an extended tummy tuck is right for you during an initial consultation at our office.

The Extended Tummy Tuck Procedure

Extended tummy tuck procedures are typically performed under general anesthesia. Dr. Devlin will create an incision along the length of the abdomen, extending toward the back of the hips.

Then, he will tighten the muscles and smooth and re-drape the skin. He will also adjust the location and appearance of the belly button.

Before closing the incisions, he will trim excess skin from the abdomen and flanks, creating a more toned abdominal appearance.

Dr. Devlin can also combine an extended abdominoplasty with additional treatments, such as liposuction, arm lift, or thigh lift for more comprehensive results.

Recovering after the Extended Tummy Tuck Procedure

Since this procedure is more involved, patients can expect a longer recovery time than with a standard abdominoplasty. In most cases, patients can return home the same day as the surgery. However, you will need someone to help you for a few days after you return home.

Swelling and bruising is normal after a tummy tuck and should subside after about six weeks. Depending on how you feel, Dr. Devlin may recommend returning to light activity after two weeks. However, you will need to wait longer before resuming any strenuous activities.

Book a Consultation

If you feel self-conscious about your body due to excess skin, an extended tummy tuck can help you achieve a trimmer, more toned appearance. For more information about the different types of tummy tucks we offer or some of our other body contouring treatments, contact our office online or call (501) 227-8811 and speak to a member of our team today.