Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

4 Tips for Exercising After a Breast Augmentation

Oct 6, 2022 @ 02:00 PM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
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Cosmetic surgeon, Michael E. Devlin in Little Rock, AR, has helped countless patients enhance their breasts with breast augmentation. This surgery can help you feel and look your best. Exercise is a critical part of maintaining your health and fitness. However, you should be careful when exercising after your breast augmentation. Dr. Devlin has four tips to keep in mind before you resume exercising.

1. No Strenuous Activity for Two Weeks

The first two weeks following your breast augmentation surgery, you should get plenty of rest. It is especially important to avoid strenuous activity these first two weeks to give your body time to recover. This gives your breasts and the surrounding tissue time to heal so you don’t risk pulling or tearing stitches. Gentle and small walks are typically okay. If you are concerned, ask your cosmetic surgeon.

2. Start Slow

Once your doctor clears you around four weeks after your breast augmentation, most exercises except heavy lifting are okay. This gives the breast tissues and muscles more time to heal. Good exercises during this time period include longer walks, bike rides, and gentle yoga. Avoid poses that might put weight on your arms as they can pull on chest muscles and tissues. At six weeks post breast augmentation, your doctor should clear you for activities like swimming, jogging, weight training, and more. Most patients are cleared completely by this point in their recovery.

3. Listen to Your Body

Each patient is different, so your healing times may be shorter or longer. Listen to your body. If an exercise hurts or causes symptoms such as swelling, stop doing it immediately and call your cosmetic surgeon. It is understandable to want to get back to your regular routine, but pushing yourself too hard or too fast could cause you injury and set you back.

4. Talk to Your Cosmetic Surgeon

There is no definite guideline for when the time is right to return for each patient. Some patients heal faster than others and can resume exercising sooner than the average six weeks, and some might require a little more time. Before you start any sort of exercise after your breast augmentation, it is always best to discuss your plans and goals with your cosmetic surgeon. Dr. Devlin is happy to answer any of your questions, and it is best to ask and know rather than risk injuring your surgical site. Feel free to contact our office in Little Rock, AR, if you have any questions.

Request a Consultation with Michael E. Devlin Cosmetic Surgery

Dr. Devlin has helped countless patients achieve their dreams of fuller, shapelier breasts. His innovative techniques allow for faster recovery times, and his stunning before and after photos are proof of his beautiful results. He offers virtual consultations and follow-ups for your convenience, and serves the patients of Little Rock, Conway, and Hot Springs, AR. Schedule your breast augmentation consultation today by contacting us online or by calling our cosmetic surgery center in Little Rock, AR, at (501) 227-8811.