Have a Double Chin? Get Rid of it with Liposuction & Neck Lift Surgery By Michael A. Devlin, MD on June 25, 2024

woman holding her hand to her chin Double chins are stubborn pockets of fat that can form from weight gain, aging, or they may be hereditary. Even with dieting and exercise it’s common for double chins to stick around. 

Fortunately, neck lift surgery is an option to treat double chins and tighten loose skin along the jawline and neck. Liposuction may also be combined with surgery to further contour the chin and enhance overall results. 

Dr. Michael Devlin combines liposuction with neck lift surgery in Little RockAR, ConwayAR, and Hot SpringsAR, to help patients optimize their results and get rid of their double chins. To find out if you’re a candidate, we welcome you to schedule a consultation.

How Can a Neck Lift Get Rid of a Double Chin? 

A neck lift is a surgical procedure used to address loose, hanging skin around the neck and create a more streamlined, youthful appearance. 

During a neck lift, discreet incisions are made behind the ears and under the chin. The neck muscles are then tightened and excess tissues removed. This can help reduce the appearance of a double chin as well as jowls, revealing a slim neck and more defined jawline. 

Liposuction Can Target Double Chin Fat

Liposuction is a type of cosmetic surgery procedure designed to remove unwanted fat from targeted areas of the body including under the chin. 

During liposuction, a small incision is made into the desired area and a special tube, called a cannula, is inserted and gently moved around to suction out excess fat cells and contour targeted areas. 

Enhance Results by Combining Liposuction with a Neck Lift 

Liposuction may be combined with neck lift surgery to enhance results, making it a great option for those who want to reduce the appearance of a double chin. Liposuction and neck lift surgery can eliminate a double chin by tightening the underlying muscles and removing excess skin and fat cells around the neck and chin.

Additionally, using liposuction to remove excess fat cells from the chin and neck area when performing a neck lift can help the newly tightened skin sit more smoothly helping to further achieve a more streamlined, contoured chin and jawline.  

Is Liposuction and Neck Lift Surgery Right for you?

If you have a double chin that won’t go away despite weight loss or it has simply come with age, you may benefit from undergoing neck lift surgery with liposuction. You may be a candidate if you’re:

  • Healthy enough to undergo surgery 
  • Free of medical conditions that can impair healing
  • A nonsmoker or willing to stop smoking prior to surgery and throughout recovery
  • Have loose skin and fat under the chin
  • Unhappy with the appearance of their double chin
  • Want to have a slimmer neck and more contoured jawline
  • Have realistic expectations

Schedule a Consultation

Double chins are notoriously stubborn but they can be eliminated with liposuction and neck lift surgery. For more information about treatments for double chins or to find out if you’re a candidate for liposuction and neck lift surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Devlin today. 

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Plastic surgeon Michael Devlin, M.D.

Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

Dr. Devlin is a cosmetic surgeon who provides each of his patients with personalized care and a compassionate approach. He offers a range of procedures in an environment where patients feel safe, comfortable, and heard. He is affiliated with organizations such as the:

  • American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (Fellow)
  • American Society of Cosmetic Breast Surgery
  • American Medical Association
  • Arkansas Medical Society
  • Pulaski County Medical Society

To get started on your plastic surgery journey, fill out our form or call (501) 227-8811.


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