Devlin Cosmetic Surgery: Michael Devlin, M.D.

Can I Still Lift Weights and Workout if I Get Breast Implants?

Jul 25, 2024 @ 10:00 AM — by Michael A. Devlin, MD
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation

Lifting weights and working out is important to your health, building muscle, and managing weight. For some women, losing weight from working out can also affect their breasts. Breast augmentation enhances the size and shape of the breasts, helping women feel more confident with their appearance.

One common concern for athletic women seeking breast augmentation is whether they’ll still be able to lift weights or workout. The good news is that once fully healed, you can go back to your usual workout routine.

Dr. Michael Devlin answers questions about breast augmentation for athletes in Little Rock, AR, Conway, AR, and Hot Springs, AR, during patient consultations. For answers to your questions, we invite you to schedule a consultation. In the meantime, read on to learn more about working out after getting breast implants.

Can You Lift Weights or Work Out After Breast Augmentation?

Yes, you can lift weights and workout with breast implants, but not immediately after surgery. Patients must wait until they are fully healed and cleared by their doctor before resuming strenuous workouts and weight lifting.

It’s important to note that resuming strenuous activity too soon can increase the risk of complications and prolong recovery. However, once fully healed, patients should be able to workout with breast implants.

How Soon Can You Exercise?

Breast augmentation is a major surgical procedure that requires about six weeks for recovery. During this time, it’s important that patients follow all post-op instructions, including avoiding strenuous activity and heavy lifting.

Engaging in weight lifting or other strenuous workouts too soon after surgery increases the risk of complications like infections, implant rotation or displacement, or reopening incisions.

With this in mind, light walks are usually allowed and encouraged within two weeks of surgery.

Gradually Increase Activity

Once patients are fully healed and cleared to resume strenuous exercise, they can start to resume their old workout routines, but it’s typically best to gradually increase activity. This helps to allow the body time to adjust and to prevent injury. 

It’s also beneficial to wear a very supportive bra during physical activity. A supportive bra can help hold the tissues in place and reduce breast discomfort.

Other Considerations for Athletes

When considering breast implants, it’s important to take your lifestyle into account in order to determine the most suitable size, type, and placement of your implants.

Athletic patients may best benefit from a subpectoral placement of their implants. This means the implants are placed behind the chest muscle. This can help the breasts look and feel more natural when the chest muscle contracts. Placing the implants behind the muscles also provides more natural support than placing the implant over the muscle (subglandular).

Additionally, choosing an implant size that will fit with your lifestyle is important. For example, runners may find that increasing their breast size too much will be uncomfortable when they run, even with a supportive bra, and may cause back pain.

Schedule a Consultation

For more information about breast augmentation, or to find out if it’s right for you, we welcome you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Devlin.