Restore Your Confidence with Breast Implant Revision
Undergoing breast surgery is a significant decision. To do so and then be unsatisfied with your results, or even have health complications, can be frustrating and emotional.
At Devlin Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Michael Devlin can perform breast revision surgery for patients whose results have changed or who are dissatisfied with the effects of a former procedure.
Could implant revision surgery help you?
Implants Require Replacement Over Time
Patient Results

Common Reasons for Breast Implant Revision
Over time, your breasts can change due to aging, weight fluctuations, hormonal factors and gravity. If, after a period of years, you become dissatisfied with the appearance of your breasts, you may choose to undergo a breast lift or implant exchange. Please keep in mind that larger breast sag faster than smaller breasts and gravity makes no exceptions. Your revision surgery can occur months or even years after your original surgery. Breast implant revision can be used to address a number of issues that may affect your satisfaction including:
- Desire to modify breast size or shape
- Switch from saline to silicone implants
- Implant shifting or visible implant rippling
- Capsular contracture
- Implant rupture
You may believe that breast implants no longer fit into your lifestyle or you may decide that a different implant size or type is appropriate. In either of these cases, surgery will be necessary.
Breast Implant Revision and Capsular Contracture
Capsular contracture is the most common complication associated with breast augmentation. Following breast augmentation, a protective lining of scar tissue naturally forms around the implant. This process occurs any time a foreign device is placed into the body. For reasons largely unknown, some patients will develop capsular contracture; this scar tissue tightens causing the implant to harden and distort the appearance of the breasts and may become painful. If you develop a capsular contracture, breast revision surgery, known as a capsulectomy, may be necessary.
Breast Implant Exchange
Breast implant exchange is a surgical procedure that removes or replaces breast implants placed during breast augmentation. The procedure may be indicated for medical reasons or it may be the patient’s personal choice.
Reasons for Breast Implant Exchange
You may believe that breast implants no longer fit into your lifestyle or you may decide that a different implant size or type is appropriate. In either of these cases, breast revision surgery will be necessary.
- Change in size preferences
- Switch from saline to silicone
- Decision to remove implants
Skin Laxity and Droopiness
The medical term for breast sagging is “ptosis.” This means falling down, drooping, or downward displacement. It will occur in almost all natural breasts except for the very smallest.
Breast sagging is related to gravity and the tendency for all objects to fall toward the floor. Significant weight fluctuations, pregnancy, lack of bra use, skin tone, smoking and poor genetics are all related to breast ptosis. After a breast augmentation, the breast tissue can slide off the breast implant. As this occurs, the placement of the implants and overlying breast tissue may appear aesthetically unpleasing as the breasts appear saggy and are no longer centered over the implant.
The treatment for breast ptosis depends on the cause. A low implant may be moved higher. Loose hanging breast tissue can be lifted and shaped into a more youthful position (breast lift).
How Breast Implant Revision Works
Breast implant revision can usually be performed in about an hour and will require general anesthesia or local anesthesia combined with sedation. When at all possible, Dr. Devlin will remove your implants through their original incisions. Once the appropriate incisions have been made, he will remove the surrounding scar tissue, followed by your implants. At this point, he can either replace your implants, or close up the incisions, depending on your preferences. A breast lift may be recommended if you decide not to replace your implants.
Your recovery should be very similar to what you experienced during your original breast augmentation. You will notice some tenderness, swelling and bruising for the first several days. Prescription pain medication will be available to help you manage discomfort. In most cases, you should be able to return to work within a couple of days.
The price of the surgical procedure is directly related to what your individual needs are. Fees may be as little as $500 or as much as $6000.
Updating Your Results
It's important to know that after receiving breast implants, results are not permanent and they may require replacement during your lifetime. There is no one good answer for how long breast implants will last. Dr. Michael Devlin has been performing Breast Augmentations in Little Rock, AR, since 2001. Many of his patients remain quite pleased with their breasts after 15 years. Predictions on how long implants will last in individual cases are nearly impossible to answer. You should periodically return to Dr. Devlin to determine how well your implants are lasting, and whether you need breast revision surgery.
Dr. Michael Devlin

Practicing for Over 15 Years
Devlin Plastic Surgery is proud to be affiliated with:
~ American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery
~ American Medical Association
~ Arkansas Medical Society
For more information about our services, contact us online or call (501) 227-8811 today.