Enhance Your Appearance Naturally with Fat Grafting
Dr. Michael Devlin performs Fat Grafting, also known as Fat Transfer in Little Rock, Arkansas. Fat Transfer is a Plastic Surgery procedure that can help rejuvenate your appearance. This surgical procedure combines advanced surgical technique with artistic ability to help reverse the signs of aging in the face and other parts of the body.
What Can Fat Transfer Do?
As you age, your skin becomes thinner and you start to loose fat throughout your body, especially in the face. This can contribute to dark circles under the eyes, the development of deep naso-labial folds, and thinning of the lips. In addition, you can loose volume in other parts of your body, including the buttock. A fat grafting procedure from Dr. Devlin can:
- Achieve Perl-orbital rejuvenation by treating dark circles, deep tear troughs and wrinkles around the eyes.
- Treat depressions, wrinkles and lines around the nose and mouth.
- Restore volume loss in the cheeks.
- Fill in depressed areas of the temples, creating a more youthful facial contour.
- Add volume to your lips for a fuller more youthful appearance.
- Reduce the fines lines that cause your lipstick to “bleed.”
- Provide a "lift" to the upper- and mid-face area which can prolong the need for a facelift.
- Be an alternative to a traditional facelift with a Liquid Facelift procedure.
- Enhance the appearance and size of the buttock with Brazilian Butt Lift.
Good candidates for fat transfer are in generally good physical health and have realistic expectations about the outcome of their procedure. Patients should be close to their ideal body weight and have an adequate amount of body fat present before the surgery is performed. In addition, they must not smoke or use nicotine products.
Advanced Techniques for Predictable Rejuvenation
Dr. Michael Devlin has over 15 years of experience in fat transfer and has been performing fat grafting in Arkansas since 2001. The surgical techniques involved have evolved over the years and now employee the use of micro fat harvesters and micro fat transfer canulas. This has allowed for a more predictable, consistent and longer lasting results. With the addition of platelet rich plasma and stem cell therapy, fat grafting and fat transfer is quickly becoming a new and exciting field of Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery.
Fat grafting can be utilized alone as a rejuvenating procedures such as in a Liquid Facelift or can be combined with other facial plastic surgery procedures such as Facelift and Brow Lift surgery. Fat transfer procedures such as a Brazilian Butt Lift can also be combined with other body plastic surgery procedures such as a tummy tuck and liposuction of the abdomen and waist.
Fat Grafting Invasive Treatment
How It Works
Fat grafting can be used in the same way that other dermal fillers are used. Unlike traditional dermal fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm, which are artificial, fat grafting utilizes your own, natural body tissue. Fat transfer typically involves three simple steps.
- Fat is taken from your own body, typically the abdomen or waist.
- Then it is processed, purified, and concentrated prior to injection.
- The fat is injected into problem areas of the face, body, buttock, and even breasts.
Fat injections can be performed under a variety of anesthetic options including general anesthesia and IV Sedation. Fat transfer procedures can also be performed with local anesthesia and oral sedation. In this case, a combination of pills that make you very sleepy are given prior to injection of local anesthesia.
Compared to injectable fillers, Fat Transfer Injections are more economically feasible when large volumes are needed for correction. You typically have minimal bruising after the procedure with mild swelling. In addition, the area on your body where the fat is removed may be sore and tender to the touch for a few days.
Lasting Results
Unlike typical dermal fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane, which last at most 18 months, Fat Grafting and Fat Transfer are considered "Permanent Fillers".Once transferred, a percentage of the fat cells will be incorporated by your body and will develop their own blood supply, making them a permanent part of your body. At most, approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of the injected and transferred fat cells survive and provide permanent. correction.
Fat grafting can provide natural-looking results in a single session. For many patients, the effects of a fat transfer last years longer than dermal fillers.
However, since some fat cells are lost in the immediate post-op period, Dr. Devlin tends to 'over-correct,' or inject a little more than seems necessary at the first fat grafting session. After the majority of the swelling is gone, approximately 4 to 6 weeks later, you will have a very good idea of what the final result will be. To achieve "Full Correction", two or more fat grafting treatment sessions may be necessary.
Fat grafting and Fat Transfer can provide natural-looking results. Those who know you best may notice that you look more vibrant, but may not be able to guess how or why you appear more youthful.
Learn More about Your Options
For more information about Fat Grafting and Fat Transfer in Little Rock, Arkansas, schedule a consultation at our office. Contact us online or call Devlin Cosmetic Surgery at 501-227-8811.