Dr. Michael Devlin goes on a news program to discuss a liquid facelift procedure. A liquid facelift is a non-surgical option for restoring a more youthful appearance. He talks about the different dermal fillers that he uses in conjunction with the liquid facelift.
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Interviewer: I know that guy that we just saw. He's joining us right now. Dr. Devlin here to tell us all about a new kind of facelift. It's called a liquid facelift and we're finding out how it works today, doc. And I tell you, you've got so many different options here. Can you kind of break down exactly what a liquid facelift is first?
Dr. Devlin: Well a liquid facelift is a nonsurgical facelift, first of all. Basically for patients in their mid-thirties to fifties who really say, no, I'm not really ready for a facelift. I don't want to do surgery. Something like that. There's a lot of options we didn't even have five, ten years ago. There's a number of different products that we use depending on the area that we're wanting to treat. Most of the time we'll see patients that utilize liquid facelift that will be in their [inaudible 00:00:46] region right through here, their deep nasal labial folds, their lips, wrinkles, and jowls in through here. A lot of times, you can treat that surgical and the surgical treatment for those obviously is going to last a little bit longer. This is more of a temporary thing and you can last maybe two years depending on the area of the filling that we use.
Interviewer: Okay, and surgery's more expensive too.
Dr. Devlin: It can be more expensive. Yes. But there's a number of different teams and a lot of when we use fillers and you can see we have a number of fillers. This one right here. This one actually will last anywhere from five to ten years. This is one of our FDA approved ones. It's called ArteFill. A lot of times, but you cannot use this in all areas. So that's where the skill of the surgeon comes involved. What areas do you treat? What areas and what fillers to you use in that particular area. Radius is another one. That's going to last anywhere from a year to a year and half, maybe even two years. And a lot of times we'll combine that and the deeper tissues to really plump out the cheek bones. So a lot of times as we age, we lose fat, primarily right in through here in our teardrops, around our eyes, we get these deep folds in here and through here. And depending on what we're trying to treat, most of the time experienced people who use a lot of liquid facelifts will use a combination of materials depending on what they're trying to achieve.
Also involved with that too, is obviously when you get into something like the Botox or you're going to use some of the Disport, and that actually helps with the wrinkles that you have around your eyes, your glabella, and that type of thing. We do have some before and after pictures that we can actually show you. And you can see this lady here, if you look at the deep dark lines she has around her face, her nasal labia folds and you can see just kind of what you can do with just putting a lot of fillers into that cheek area. Around the eyes especially. And into those nasal labia folds and you can see that you get quite a bit of improvement. I think we have another picture too that we can show. I'm not sure if we have that one up. And same thing here. See the dark circles under the eyes? And you've got loss of volume in the cheek area. If you can go in and rebuild those cheeks, rebuild that volume that you've lost around the eyes, you can accomplish this type of result without having to have surgery.
Interviewer: That's incredible. Especially the noticeable difference on the cheek bones, like you said, makes a huge difference.
Dr. Devlin: Yeah and how many people really underestimate what rejuvenating this part of your face does. That's the part that people really notice. People go, I look tired. Well the reason you're looking tired is because you're starting to lose that volume as you age. Now I will say that the liquid facelift does not really treat the neck area and so a lot of times, if we do have to address the neck we'll do a mini facelift or a mini neck lift and we'll adjunct that with doing a liquid facelift on top of it and that way you kind of get the best of both worlds.
Interviewer: Excellent. Excellent. So many different options that you guys throw out there and I know the 25% off I just saw in the ad?
Dr. Devlin: Yes. On our surgical procedures right now. Yes.
Interviewer: Excellent. How long is that going to?
Dr. Devlin: That is til the end of the month.
Interviewer: End of the month.
Dr. Devlin: Yes.
Interviewer: Okay, so you've got to the end of the month to call the number on your screen. Once again, Devlin Cosmetic Surgery and there's also a website on there for you too. Go to Dr. for more information. We appreciate you, doc, coming in, explaining this. A very popular procedure we know that's becoming increasingly popular. Answering some questions for us this morning. Thank you.
Dr. Devlin: Thank you.