For patients who have recently undergone gastric bypass surgery, LAP-BAND® surgery, or another means of weight loss, we offer special body contouring procedures that can complement this achievement. Body contouring after massive weight loss often involves trimming of excess skin, but can also include a breast lift, lower body lift, and thigh lift, among other treatments.
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Post-weight-loss surgery encompasses a variety of different types of procedures. After one loses a lot of weight, secondary to a lap band, gastric bypass, or even gastric balloon type of procedure, they're left with a lot of unwanted skin. So we go back in and we remove all of that skin. A lot of times, we will end up doing a breast lift, sometimes we do a panniculectomy, a lower body lift, which encompasses everything around the waist and the backside as well, a buttocks lift, thigh lift. Sometimes we do brachioplasty or arm lifts as well. So depending on where your skin laxity is after the surgery, determines what type of procedure would be best suited for you.